Business Donor Advised Funds

Business Donor Advised Funds

Business donor advised funds (DAFs) offer a much more flexible way to support the causes that matter to you. Setting up a fund through Colorado Gives Foundation is easy, requiring only an initial of contribution of $5,000 in cash, securities or other assets.

No more writing multiple checks to various nonprofits and keeping track of all the details in a spreadsheet. Our donor portal allows you to give to the organizations you love from one central location, available 24/7. Business DAFs act as an ‘interest-earning charitable checking account,’ letting you invest funds to grow over time and donate on your own schedule.

We make giving easy by…

Reducing your administrative work

We handle all the details. This includes verifying charities’ 501(c)(3) status, approving grants and distributing funds. Also enjoy access to our easy-to-use website to make contributions into your fund and donations back out to the community.

Providing dedicated support

You can focus on making a difference in your community, knowing we’re here to support you every step of the way.

We make giving fun by…

Inviting org-wide participation

Encourage your employees to engage in giving by having them provide input on which causes to support.

Helping you create a movement of giving

You can invite anyone to contribute to your business DAF on so you can use those funds to support your favorite nonprofits.

See how GH Phipps is using their business DAF to fundraise.

Gerry Culver
Development + Community

Engagement Manager

Are you ready to establish a fund or want to learn more?

Connect With our Team to Establish your Fund