Engage Your Business

Giving is Good for Business

Discover creative ways your business can support charitable causes and easily engage your employees.

You care about your community, and you have a business to run. Colorado Gives Foundation can help you with your business philanthropy, making it easy and fulfilling to give back.

By partnering with us, your business can strengthen:

Community Relationships

Community Resilience

Community Economic Health

Brand Perception + Reputation

Let us help you with your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts.

Giving back feels good—and it’s good for business. Not only does it allow employers to foster a culture of social responsibility, it also provides an opportunity to engage employees. Encourage teamwork and boost morale all while making an impact on your community. Engaging in philanthropy will help your organization build a great reputation, and become a place where employees love to work and customers love to do business.

Find out how other Colorado businesses are increasing their giving efforts. Download our Business Giving Report or explore other ways you can take action today:

Open a Business Donor Advised Fund

Business donor advised funds are a low-cost way for you and your employees to support the causes you care about without the hassle of starting your own private foundation. Maximize your impact with a tax-free fund that simplifies giving. We make it easy by handling the administration so you can focus on making a meaningful impact in your community.

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Engage Your Employees in Giving

Empower your employees to donate by creating a custom- branded fundraising page for your favorite nonprofits on ColoradoGives.org. You can also set up a match to boost donations or donate a portion of profits from a product or service to support the cause that matters most to your organization.

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Explore Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer a range of sponsorships to help boost awareness of your business year-round and on Colorado Gives Day. Let us build a unique sponsorship opportunity that gives exposure to your brand and aligns with your business objectives to support Colorado nonprofits.

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Show Gratitude With Digital Giving Cards

Looking for a unique gift? Give the gift of giving. These preloaded digital giving cards allow the recipient to donate to their favorite nonprofits on ColoradoGives.org. Show your appreciation to employees, clients, customers or partners so they can support a worthy cause of their choosing.

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Gerry Culver
Development + Community

Engagement Manager