Any Day is a Good Day to Give

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We believe in making good for everyone. And that you can do so any time you want.

Making a difference for the causes you care about doesn’t have a deadline. It’s not reserved for only one day or one event, because giving is something we can do any day. That’s why we’re launching a year-round giving campaign, so the ripple effects of your generosity last all year long.

This month, we are launching TV and online advertising to remind people of the impact they can make. Today. Tomorrow. Any day.

We created in 2007 to make giving easy. Then, we created Colorado Gives Day to create a giving movement supporting Colorado nonprofits. Now, we’re reminding people that is an easy way to help people, animals, the environment, our state or whatever cause matters most to them – any day. We’ve also made the campaign materials available to all nonprofits on so they can invite their donors to support them any day of the year.

Year-Round Giving Toolkit

Any day is a good day to give.

With over 3,800 nonprofits, you can give right now. Visit and give today.