Meeting Space Terms of Use
Please review the below Meeting Space Terms of Use and submit the form at the bottom.
Colorado Gives Foundation (the Foundation) is pleased to make our meeting space available free of charge to nonprofit organizations for meetings, retreats, and trainings. Please note the following when requesting the use of meeting space. The following information will help your meeting run smoothly.
- The following activities are prohibited:
- Special events (celebrations, parties, etc.)
- Fundraising events
- Political events
- Religious services
- Charging for meetings (charging for the cost of a meal is allowed)
- Use of our facility is at the sole discretion of the Foundation.
- Guests are responsible for setting up and taking down the meeting space, so please plan accordingly to leave it as you found it.
- Please be considerate of others and keep noise to a minimum.
- Please stay in the room you reserved, with the door closed. Check with Meeting Space Coordinator if you need an additional room.
Policies, Procedures and Liability Waiver
Your organization’s on-site contact is responsible for ensuring all your attendees are aware of, understand and follow the policies and procedures set forth below. Consequences of failure to comply may result in the denial of future use of the Foundation’s meeting space.
- Approval of this agreement entitles your group use of the Foundation’s meeting space facilities: catering kitchen, restrooms, guest parking and lactation The Foundation does not extend the use of its printers, copier, fax machines, or any other business equipment. Please bring all necessary supplies with you. You may use the audio-conferencing equipment and phones provided in the Meeting Space; however, you must have your own conference calling account with a toll free or local number. Long distance calling is prohibited.
- You may use the video conferencing equipment (Owl) but you must have your own video conferencing (Zoom, WebEx, Teams, etc.) account.
- If media coverage is expected at the event or you plan to refer to the Foundation in any printed materials, contact our Communications Director at 720.898.5909 to receive prior approval.
- A representative from your group must check in with the Foundation Meeting Space Administrator upon arrival and check out upon completion of cleanup.
- If you need to cancel your reservation, please do so at least five business days in advance.
The following are prohibited on Foundation property (building and parking lot):
- Consumption of alcohol
- Smoking or vaping of tobacco or cannabis
- Recreational drugs
- Firearms (except for law enforcement) Weapons >3 ½” Anything provided by foundation is exempted (knives, scissors)
- Harassment of any kind
- Violence
The Foundation is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
After your event, you agree to return the meeting space to its default configuration, clean up all materials and refreshments, return glasses to the catering kitchen, etc. and leave the meeting space clean for the next group.
Health and Safety
Organization and its attendees agree to abide by the Foundation’s current health and safety protocols, policies, and procedures as they may be in effect from time to time.
The Foundation may cancel reservations and/or close the meeting space with or without notice if the Foundation, in its sole discretion, determines that doing so is in the best interest of the Foundation, the Organization, the attendees or the community.
Limitation of Liability/Indemnification
Organization acknowledges and agrees that in no event shall the Foundation, its affiliates, or any of their respective employees, staff, agents, volunteers, representatives, officers, or directors be liable to your organization or any attendee for any claim for damages or liabilities, whether such damages are direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, or loss of any nature, including, but not limited to, damages or liabilities resulting from delay, loss of profits, injury to person which may arise in connection with your use of the meeting space or any services provided by us or otherwise pertaining to this agreement, even if the Foundation has been notified of the possibility or likelihood of such damages occurring.
Organization also agrees to pay any costs incurred for damages resulting from Organization’s or its attendees’ non-compliance with this agreement, including any costs for damage to Foundation’s building or property caused by Organization or its attendees.
By signing below, Organization agrees to abide with the policies and procedures set forth herein and to use its best efforts to cause its attendees to do the same.
By signing below, Organization hereby agrees to the terms of this Agreement and represents and warrants that the undersigned is authorized to bind Organization to the terms of this Agreement.
We may, at any time and at our sole discretion, modify this Terms of Use Agreement without notice to Users. Your continued use of the meeting space constitutes your acceptance of these modified terms.
Thank you for choosing our meeting space.